
semen analysis

from 49.50 rubles (21 €)

The main objective of the study is to determine the ejaculate sperm’s ability to fertilize and detection of diseases and / or pathological process caused by the corresponding lesion. Sperm examination – an integral part of the diagnosis of infertility.


diagnosis of immune infertility (MAR-test)

from 49.50 rubles (21 €)

MAR-test (mar-test) determines the percentage of spermatozoa associated with antibody IgG class and IgA (direct MAR-test) and the titre of antisperm antibodies (ACAT) in biological fluids (seminal plasma, cervical mucus, blood plasma) (indirect MAR-test ). The test is an internationally recognized standard for diagnosis of ACAT.

study of sperm antibodies

from 40 rubles (17 €)
One of the key immune factors that cause infertility, experts call the presence of sperm antibodies.

Antisperm antibodies (abbreviated as ACAT) – specific proteins of the human immune system, which can occur for various reasons, both in male and in the female body.

Such violations contribute to the reduction of sperm motility, impair fertilization process, have a negative impact on the growth and development of the embryo.

prostatic secretions study

from 13.50 rubles (6 €)
The prostate gland or prostate – specific male organ, has three important functions. First and foremost – secretory: prostate responsible for producing special secret constituting the sperm and facilitating movement of sperm. Second – motor: using prostate smooth muscle tissue to hold urine in the bladder. The third – a barrier: the prostatic secretion prevents the spread of infection from the urethra to other organs.

Disturbances in the prostate can lead to very dire consequences. Contrary to popular belief that a disease of this kind mainly affect the elderly, to date, it is the young men suffer from various ailments in this area. Any disease of the prostate significantly affects the overall health of the patient adversely affects the quality of sex life, and sometimes – in the ability to conceive.

hormone level research

from 13.70 to 17.60 rubles (6-8 €)

Hormonal blood analysis include a plurality of specific tests, the object of which is specific hormone or group of hormones produced by varying endocrine gland. Analyzes on hormones are not carried out the planning and appointed only if you suspect the presence of a particular endocrine disorders, including those associated with cancer.

contact litotrepsiya kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder

from 6-60 rubles (3-25 €)

The essence of the procedure is the direct ultrasound or pneumatic impact on rocks located in the kidney, ureter or bladder. Crushing stones does not require incisions or punctures, thus avoiding postoperative complications. All manipulations urologist carries through natural orifice – urethra.

Name of establishment Service cost
Grodno Regional Hospital from 35,15 rubles (17,2 €)
Grodno Oblast Children’s Hospital from 620,40 rubles (300 €)
City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Grodno health care from 34,21 rubles (16,7 €)
Grodno regional clinical perinatal center from 13,95 rubles (7€)
Professor consultative center SV “Grodno State Medical University” from 2,63 rubles (1,3 €)
Grodno Regional Hospital from 9,40 rubles (4,6 €)
City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Grodno health care from 7,15 rubles (3,5 €)